Search V from ARY and return the position.\ If not found, -1
Convert PetitCom physical color to RGB value.
Converts the RGB value to the PetitCom physical color.
Insert the upper 16 bits of IN in Y and the lower 16 bits in X.
Make IN a binary string.
Insert INS$ into POS for BASE$.
A destructive operation version of InsertStr$(BASE$,POS,INS$).
Delete LEN characters from POS for THIS$.
Destructive operation version of RemoveStr$(THIS$,POS,LEN).
Replace STR$ in TOIS$ with TO$.
Get the extension of FILE$.\ If there is no extension, it returns an empty string.
In the version of PetitCom without FILL, turn OFF from LEN character ARY to V more efficiently than FOR loop.
Split STR$ by SP$ and return it as an array.
Capitalize STR$ in ASCII character range.
A destructive operation version of ToUpper$(STR$).
Make STR$ lowercase in the range of ASCII characters.
A destructive operation version of ToLower$(STR$).
Search S2$ against S1$ from the reverse direction.\ If not found, it returns -1.